Author: Hamous

  • Tuesday Open Comments

    No wonder the President of the United States and his propaganda ministers have had to resort to bald-faced lying to try and rally his base of Marxists. With 21 days to go before election day the GOP has 211 safe, likely or leaning House seats. 218 are needed to take control. There are 39 seats…

  • Death of a Doofus

    My nostrils dilate while savoring the acrid odor of gunpowder and blood. Crazy with fury I will stain my rifle red while slaughtering any vencido that falls in my hands! That quote is from mass murderer Ernesto Guevara’s infamous Motorcycle Diaries. For some reason this gem didn’t make the cut in Redford’s idyllic movie version…

  • Monday Open Comments

    Here’s another roundup of the weekend op/ed pages: Proof (as if you needed any more) that Nobel prizes may not correlate to actual intelligence of the recipient. From the you-can’t-make-this-stuff-up department – Obama is trying to save capitalism but rich Republicans are starting a class war. Pelosi becomes the guest clarinet player for the dance…