Author: Hamous

  • Thursday Open Comments

    Oh no you di’unt! Congressman’s boy toy heckles his opponent after a recent debate: Following a debate with Frank last week, his GOP opponent, Sean Bielat was heckled while in the midst of an interview. Sources are claiming the heckler was none other than Barney Frank’s significant other.

  • Wednesday Open Comments

    Are you a Zombie? The first step to making the most of your zombie status is recognizing your situation. Austin says that if most of the following apply, you may be a zombie: A dismal appearance: Generally, most zombie clothing is simply what the person was wearing when he was alive, just more raggedy. Bouts…

  • Tuesday Open Comments

    As German Chancellor Angela Merkel acknowledges what all Europeans know but don’t want to admit – multiculturalism is a complete failure – Thomas Sowell points out it’s a lesson that should not be ignored by America: This is not a lesson for Germany alone. In countries around the world, and over the centuries, peoples with…