Author: Hamous

  • Wednesday Open Comments

    Democrat election strategy: Crank up the Smugness! THE HILLS are alive with the sound of liberal Democratic contempt for the electorate. So are the valleys, the prairies, and the coasts. For months, voters have been signaling their discontent with the president, his party, and their priorities; in less than a week, they appear poised to…

  • Monday Open Comments

    The man who fancies himself as the smartest man in economics continues to push his failed socialist policies: The real story of this election, then, is that of an economic policy that failed to deliver. Why? Because it was greatly inadequate to the task. Still hawking the “we need more government” scam. Across the pond…

  • Talk of Defunding NPR Begins

    Eric Cantor (R-VA), who if there’s any justice in this world will be the next Speaker of the House, has started a YouCut website to allow citizens to have a direct say in spending cuts. If you’re unfamiliar with this site here’s a description: YouCut – a first-of-its-kind project – is designed to defeat the…