Author: Hamous

  • Weekend Open Comments

    I’ve heard some bizarre ruminations on what the Republican resurgence in this election means but this has to take the cake: One reason the Republicans won on Tuesday is because many of their supporters have already given up on this world and are waiting for the next. I know, I used to be one of…

  • The Quanell Evans Racist Revue: Election Day Tour

    Local racist and media darling Quanell Evans took his merry band of hate-filled and well-dressed bullies to polling places on election day and seems to have been, if not assisted, at least given a pass by LEOs. From In the early hours of voting on election day, things went smoothly and generally without incident.…

  • Thursday Open Comments

    Peter Hitchens, brother of left-wing atheist Christopher Hitchens, relates a conversation he had with his brother in a public forum during which Christopher made the following challenge: Can you name any moral action or ethical statement that could be made or performed by a believer but could not be made or performed by an unbeliever?…