Author: Hamous

  • Tuesday Open Comments

    The Greenies are trying to figure out where they went wrong: At least three central reasons were identified. Misanthropy. According to a veteran American Green, Stewart Brand, too many Greens believe “Nature good – humans not so good”. This approach is ultimately unpersuasive, since it is human beings you are trying to persuade. A policy…

  • Monday Open Comments

    Did you think we were done bailing out the UAW?  Think again: The new General Motors Corp. is trying to heighten interest in its sale of about $10 billion in stock held by its rescuers – the United Auto Workers health care trust fund and the governments of Canada, the United States and the province…

  • The Definition of Moral Relativism

    When I first read this article about a group calling themselves 45 Million Voices I was speechless: We believe that an abortion can be an act of love. A few days later I still don’t know what to say. Then I remembered. Tedtam already said it: The choice was made, The date was set. The…