Author: Hamous

  • Thursday Open Comments

    The politically tone deaf continue in their own little world: As the Senate on Wednesday holds its first legislative session since the election, Democrats have a chance to show what lessons they’ve learned. Will they address the urgent need for job promotion? Work out agreement on extending the Bush tax cuts? Actually, no. Instead, Senate…

  • Wednesday Open Comments

    Despite all our problems, Texans know we live in a good place. The business community knows it too: A vast difference in economic performance is driving the demographic shifts. Since 1998, California’s economy has not produced a single new net job, notes economist John Husing. Public employment has swelled, but private jobs have declined. Critically,…

  • Tuesday Open Comments

    I mentioned this in the comments last night but I didn’t have anything for OC today so I thought I’d mention it again. Fox News has a six part series (they’re up to reel 2) narrated by Brit Hume, entitled The Rise, Fall and Future of Conservatism. I highly recommend watching.