Author: Hamous

  • Friday Open Comments

    Reward the foolish, punish the frugal: President Barack Obama walked into the Oval Office in January 2009 during a severe economic downturn led by a meltdown in housing prices — and promptly made things worse. By bailing out banks, insurance companies and auto firms — done to a lesser extent by the previous administration —…

  • Thanksgiving Day

    My sincere wishes for a wonderful Thanksgiving day for each of you. A thankful heart is not only the greatest virtue, but the parent of all the other virtues. – Cicero

  • Tuesday Open Comments

    Too much time on her hands: Karen O’leary is definitely one of the most patient people on the planet. She spends most of her days cutting away at thick white watercolor sheets of paper, until she creates jaw-dropping replicas of conventional city maps. While you could easily mistake Karen’s hand-cut maps with laser-cut ones, the…