Author: Hamous

  • Thursday Open Comments

    I always get a chuckle out of stories like this. The reason is two-fold – First, it’s a troofer-esque “I am repulsed but yet I cannot look away” funny story. It’s like the scabbone prophet in the trench coat on the street corner screaming about the end of the world. They’re what make life interesting.…

  • Monday Open Comments

    In what is nothing more than another attempt to alleviate the self-loathing perpetually experienced by Houston’s trendy hipsters, the City of Houston is now sponsoring a “farmers market” at Discovery Green: At the recently opened farmers market outside Houston’s City Hall, Laura Spanjian, the city’s peppy new sustainability director, was in her element. With a…

  • Weekend Open Comments

    The Brandon Conspiracy While we’ve been lulled into complacency with silly economic woes, oil spills, and TSA gropers, a silent invasion has been going on right under our noses. Brandons have been taking over! In the NFL alone there are 37 Brandons: Ravens-McKinney, Brandon DE Bengals-Ghee, Brandon DB Bengals-Johnson, Brandon OLB Colts-James, Brandon WR Colts-King,…