Author: Hamous

  • If I Weren’t a Christian…

    Most religions in America are used to dealing with attacks from non-believers.  It’s a part of our heritage of free speech. Most of it, while insulting, is a small price to pay for that heritage. Occasionally it goes much further than insults and becomes criminal – defacing church property, arson, vandalism, etc. We’ve also become…

  • Weekend Intellectual Comments

    Yesterday I talked about the absurd notion that only six percent of American scientists were Republican.  Today let’s look at why our “intellectuals” would put forth such a notion: Too many of the very people who should be leading the country into a process of renewal that would allow us to harness the full power…

  • Are American Scientists Overwhelmingly Democrats?

    According to a recent Pew poll only 6% of American scientists identify themselves as Republican. Such statistics only add to the liberal lie that Republicans, and by extension conservatives, are knuckle-dragging neanderthals that still believe the Earth is flat and the universe revolves around it. But let’s dig into the poll: So the survey was…