Aquatrails: Harmless Backsplash or Deadly Chemtrails of the Sea?

We’ve discussed chemtrails – those cloudlike trails of various mind-control chemicals sprayed behind high-flying airplanes – before. They have apparently not been as effective at mind-control as hoped, so the Illuminati have teamed up with the Rothschilds to amp up their game using the sea.

Starting in the mid 1990s, reports began to surface on an obscure bulletin board service named The WELL that something might be afoot in our oceans. People had noticed odd emissions that floated behind large vessels, such as Israeli military craft or Chinese container ships. These liquids did not dissipate quickly, but rather bubbled and frothed while protracting into canopy-like shapes with a seemingly engineered intent.

The plot thickens, as it were, when we see some of the big names involved in this heinous conspiracy.

One surprising figure in the aquatrails debate is none other than the father of oceanic environmentalism himself, Jacques Cousteau. Following in the footsteps of David Rockefeller, billionaire leader of such controversial organizations as the Council on Foreign Relations and the Chase Manhattan Bank, Cousteau was a vocal proponent of population control and expanding the authority of the United Nations. Indeed, Cousteau once told a UN subcommittee, “The damage people cause to the planet is a function of demographics – it is equal to the degree of development. One American burdens the earth much more than twenty Bangladeshies . In order to stabilize world population, we will eliminate 350,000 people per day.” (Demanding Accountability, United Nations Development Fund for Women, 1984, p. 84-85).

So, beware. We have no idea how far The Man is willing to take this.



