Thursday Open Comments

Well, someone is trying to sue the administration.

JW filed a lawsuit on behalf of Kawa Orthodontics, owned by Florida orthodontist Dr. Larry Kawa, that directly challenges the president’s unlawful delay of the “employer mandate” that forces businesses of a certain size to provide a certain level of health insurance for employees. (JW has appealed a lower court decision dismissing the lawsuit on “standing” grounds.)
Separately, JW launched an investigation to determine upon what legal authority Obama justified his decision to delay the mandate in the first place.

But, as usual, the “most transparent administration ever” has decided to not cooperate with the legal process:

But unfortunately, the Obama Treasury Department has refused our requests for this information, and we were forced to file a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit against the Treasury to get the records.
We filed the original FOIA request on October 28, 2013 and have received no response from the “most transparent administration in history.” So the Obama administration violates the Obamacare law, then violates the Freedom of Information law to cover it up.

It seems to be clear:

Let me get this straight: The president decided to ignore a law passed by Congress, and Mazur didn’t remember anyone asking if it was all legal? I find that impossible to believe. (This is Constitution 101. Congress makes the laws. The Executive enforces them.)

That WOULD be the case if we had an executive branch which followed the laws as set forth in the Constitution. Unfortunately, we have this instead:

President Obama seems to be under the mistaken impression that he’s a one-man Congress who can simply ignore the law to comport with his political interests.

At least I can be fashionable as I use this. I should stock up.



