Weekend Values Open Comments

Our teenagers cry when their phones are taken away. Heck, during the cold front we had after Ike came through, families moved into hotels because their A/C wasn’t working. I really think it’s because their spoiled little babies couldn’t handle life without an iPhone fully charged up.
We have schoolchildren who skip class, threaten teachers, refuse to be educated; and we have teachers who only want to take in oxygen and breathe out carbon dioxide until their union retirement benefits are in place.
We have parents who blame all of their kids’ failings on society, the government, and the schools. They only arrive at school to berate the faculty or bring QX to raise a ruckus for the media over some imagined slight. Their priorities are on getting things done for them, brought to them, and provided for them.
And then there’s this man. He wanted the kids to get to school, so he bagged them up and swam across a swollen river to get them school dry. Over and over and over – until all of them were safely across the river and ready to be educated.
We’re all a bunch of spoiled wimps.



