Monday Breitbart Open Commens

Well, Texas ranks with London, as we both have our own Breitbart pages!
For those Jose Straus haters, he gets an article.
Shining Light On Texas House Speaker Joe Straus

According to Texas conservatives, legislation brought forward by Democrats has fared better than GOP measures in the Texas House under Straus. Hal Hawkins, who runs the analysis website, crunched the numbers and found:
“51% of the laws sent to the governor’s desk from the House were Democrat-written or co-written. This means the MINORITY party in the House, outnumbered by nearly 2-1, was the MAJORITY when it came to laws passed. How can this be? There is one probable answer: Speaker of the House Joe Straus.”

But the real reason Texas is such a hot spot is probably Ted Cruz. This man is a force of nature.
Cruz: Don’t ‘Turn Texas into a Liberal Swamp’

Over the past decade, Texas has been an economic powerhouse. The state has created 3 out of every 10 American jobs over the last decade and recently surpassed California in tech export sales. Heck, even Jim and Pam fled Pennsylvania for Texas in search of a better life in the final episode of The Office.
Today, political operatives are swarming the Lone Star State to turn Texas into a liberal swamp. At the same time, the Obama Administration is trying to make Texas buckle under a torrent of federal rules and regulations.
My office recently issued a report about the Obama Administration’s assault on Texas. It documents numerous cases where Texas defended itself from unjust federal interference.
Obamacare’s unconstitutional, unfunded mandate to expand Medicaid in our state has gained some attention. But that’s just one part of the larger campaign against Texas.

From the comments:

Aren’t the terms “Liberal” and “Swamp” redundant?

Whether or not you like the Breitbart site, I don’t know of any other national web site that has a page dedicated only to Texas.
They should all have one.


