Weekend Open Comments

You may have noticed, the Commies in America are taking a page out of the homosexual playbook lately and coming out loud and proud. Their chief propagandist these days seems to be Jesse Myerson. You may remember his recitation of the Communist Manifesto calling all “Millenials” to adopt five of the ten planks. Sean Davis at The Federalist wrote about it:

If you’re a Millennial who loves bread lines, prison camps, forced famines, and abject human misery, then you’ll love the latest offering from Rolling Stone. Over the weekend, Jesse Myerson, a twenty-something former Occupy organizer, finally stumbled upon a foolproof recipe for success for today’s struggling Millennials. The recipe? Communism, naturally.
Myerson, whose Twitter bio includes the hashtag #FULLCOMMUNISM (for when fractional communism just can’t murder people quickly enough), listed five economic reforms that he thinks every Millennial should demand: Guaranteed jobs, guaranteed income, no more private real estate, no more private assets at all, and a public bank in every state (a great place to store all those financial assets you no longer own). If that sounds eerily similar to a Yoko Ono-infused brainstorming session by John Lennon, it’s because it is eerily similar to a Yoko Ono-infused brainstorming session by John Lennon.

Last week Myerson came right out with it: Communism is da bomb.
With the rise to power of a president who is the spiritual offspring of the Pete Seeger-style communists of yesteryear, today’s communists have decided now is the time for their Great Leap Forward.  They’re no longer hiding in the shadows.  No more secret meetings in dingy apartments.  They’ve got a kindred spirit in the highest elected office in the land!  Nothing can stop them now.
When Comrade Obama was elected, anyone who questioned whether he was a socialist was ridiculed and branded as a McCarthyite.  As his first term ended the question of his socialist leanings had be asked and answered in the affirmative.  Then the question became: Is he a full-on communist?  One year into his second term I contend that has been answered in the affirmative as well.  Each day he remains in office Ol’ Joe McCarthy is vindicated a little more.
So the question is (as Squawk asked earlier this week): What are we going to do?  If you’re waiting for elected Republicans to do something you may as well start your march to the gulag right now.  Isn’t it interesting that Cornyn is suddenly talking tough about Obama now?  Why is he suddenly tough when running against other Republicans?  I guess the memory of Dewhurst’s 2012 primary is still too fresh.  Where has he been the last five years?
Me?  I’ve given up on saving the country through the political process.  Let their communist Shangri-la crash and burn, just like all the rest, and rebuild on the ashes.



