Results of Man-made Global Warming

Things that are caused by, may be caused by, or are suspected reactions of man-made global warming*:

Migratory bird  changes Polar Bear population decline
Rain forest decline Democrats in office
Al Gore’s expanding waistline Earthquakes
Hangnails Dust bunnies
High food prices Homelessness
Despair Congressional lies
Presidential political cave-in Hollywood hypocrisy
Dimming of the moon Slowing of earth rotation
Forgetting to brush one’s teeth Tomato contamination
Teen pregnancy Crappy rap music
Low high school graduation rates Redesign of Treasury bills
My failure to grow vegetables American Idol
Los Angeles Laker’s 2008 record Declining US IQ levels
Bad hair days Hurricanes
Tornadoes Sunny days
Sunshine Snow
Swearing/cursing Puke green paint
Socialism Loneliness
Giddiness Vertigo
Food poisoning Marriage
Divorce Sneezing
Dry skin Bad science
Stupidity Apathy
Breakdowns on the highway Athlete’s foot fungus
Hairy armpits High hospital bills
Bad/stupid laws Wasp stings
Low birth rate Overpopulation
Rising sea levels Rising gullibility levels
Disco music Pudding
Stained glass Broken glass

and many, many more…

* These may not all be documented, but I trust that they will at some point. When scientists can get research grants to “prove” that it is true.



