Monday “Honor the Prez” Open Comments

Another example of politics over common sense, this time in Detroit. Detroit is running out of money, in large part because of pensions negotiated by the unions, who care more about their survival than the survivial of the city. If they fail to keep their pensions intact, how will this reflect on the union bosses, and how will it affect union membership? More importantly, how will their intractability on the issue affect their image nationwide? To continue to survive, they must expand their membership base. If they succeed in holding the pensions intact but bankrupt the city, will they be seen as arrogant and cold-hearted, or will it be a positive for future members?
And then there’s the ever-lovin’ nonsense that issues from the mouth of the judge involved:

“It’s cheating, sir, and it’s cheating good people who work,” the judge told assistant state Attorney General Brian Devlin. “It’s also not honoring the (United States) president, who took (Detroit’s auto companies) out of bankruptcy.”

REALLY??? We’re now basing legal and financial decisions on whether they honor the Great Leader and Savior Barak Obama???

has some responses to this idiocy:

Something tells me a federal bankruptcy judge will be less than impressed with the excuse “it doesn’t honor the president”.

SunnyRight (@sunnyright) July 19, 2013

This has to be the stupidest human being to ever put on a black robe and a Tammi Wynette wig…—
David Burge (@iowahawkblog) July 19, 2013

And the kicker:

Actually, Michigan guy, Detroit’s bankruptcy DOES “honor the president.” There is no greater example of leftism ruining prosperity.—
Harry (@Tark31) July 19, 2013

Pardon me while I go spit on shine up my statue TBO.



