Monday Open Comments

I’m getting ready to leave for all my appointments today. I was up late, trying to get everything ready for OH3 this morning (she was gone all last week) so that she can get stuff done while I’m gone. Hubby’s still trying to deal with his broken truck, so he’s a little frazzled, too.
So much to talk about:
Kerry yachting while Egypt overturns a dictator – and the attempted cover-up.
Egyptian’s signs downing Obama and his support of Morsi & Co. And the administrations desire to “not take sides”. When the heckfahr has that ever been a problem?? Does he think the Egyptian military “acted stupidly”?
And I hear that the CNN coverage of the Egyptian situation is wissing some of them off.
His wife suddenly taking ill. Conveniently timed, new wealth opportunity for Kerry, or true need for prayer?
The plane crash. Actually, I’m tired of the over-reporting on this. Plane crashes and hurricanes get way too much coverage, IMHO.
And the whole sexuality of New York politics – Weiner and Spitzer?
Talk amongst yourselves.



