Wednesday Many Thanks Open Comments

I had to go by the grocery store yesterday for a few things. Due to my physical problems, I had to use one of the scooters to get around. The first scooter I sat in wouldn’t start, so I had to get an employee to go all the way to another entrance to get one for me. As I sat there, waiting, I watched a lady sweep the floor, and I got to thinking about what a never ending, thankless job that must be. That got me to thinking about all of those behind the scene people that make things work.
So, even though they’ll never see this message, I want to give thanks to all of those people who work away with nary a thank you or a sign of appreciation:
Janitors and clean up workers of all stripes
The nurses and orderlies at convalescent homes
Staff workers and interns for our favorite politicians
Catering staff and waiters/waitresses
Yard maintenance people
Bank tellers
Ranchers and their employees
Those guys who run the cameras for TV shows and movies
And the script writers, too.
Everyone who volunteers at their place of worship (excepting covens, of course)
The people at the cell phone stores. (I’ve seen some of the people who go into those places. They earn their keep.)
The people who restock the store shelves at night
Cops, firemen, medical personnel – especially on holidays
The baggage handlers at the airport (that’s hot, sweaty work)
The people at the vet’s office that clean up the animal poop and vomit
The factory workers who make our products
The dead animal pick-up people
Park rangers
Coast Guard
The people on cruise ships who entertain the kids
Water treatment workers
Movie theater employees
The people who clean up homes when people die in a house
Animal shelter workers
Blog moderators
I made sure that I thanked the man who acquired my cart for me. There’s nothing like being incapacitated to make one grateful for all of the very nice people who are willing to help others.



