Smart Diplomacy

Five years into the reign of Bronco the Buff, we see the wonderful results of Smart Diplomacy and how the rest of the world now respects us more because we are sensitive to their needs and we are no longer inflicting our views upon them in an aggressive manner with great vigor.
US to Hong Kong/China: Could you please send the running dog Snowden back to us? Pretty please?
China: Umm, we needed the request in triplicate. Didn’t you read the instructions?
Secretary of State Kerry: Please respect us and our needs. We need you to return the Snowden character to us or our close friendship will be harmed.
Russia: What? Are you some kind of little pansy-boy? You should be happy we have not slapped you like the wh0re you are.
US State Department: Waaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh! Nobody is listening to us.
Ecuador: The Snowden can sleep on our couch if he wants. I mean, who believes that The Bronco would actually collect enough cojones to actually come down here and do anything. Puleeeeeeze.
We’ll be fine.



