Below The Belt Tightening

Just in time for the summer, we have news from the Golden State for men who have a need for complete grooming.
Wimmins have had all kinds of options for little and not-so-little medical touchups here and there for many years. First, there were cremes and lotions that removed unwanted hair from legs, pits, and under the nose. Later there was waxing to accomplish the same goals.
Later innovations included Botox, laser hair removal, and liposuction. Then it got weird. Someone decided that the area of a wimmin’s lower anatomy normally fully carpeted should be groomed up some, then embaldened, giving beauty treatment “the Brazilian”.
This was followed by surgical touchups of the “special place”, piercings, and other treatments. As if all those weren’t enough, someone decided that the lower termination of the alimentary canal needed to be bleached.
Now, innovation has struck men. In addition to most of the procedures available for wimmins (with more or less obvious exceptions), we have “scrotal tightening”. This involves the removal of excess hair, smoothing out skin tones, and tightening the skin to remove wrinkles. Who knew this was even a problem?
It’s only about $900 per treatment.
You hear that, Mr. Tooter?



