Wednesday “Fat Cat” Open Comments

I’d say “UNBELIEVABLE!!” except that we’re talking unions here.
Two hours a day of work – maybe.
Catered lunches for “business” reasons.
Cat naps at work. And for those of us who own cats, we know how long that can be.
And he whines justifies his behavior:

Rosenthal asserted to the Post that he works “12-to-14-hour days,” and he claims these complaints are coming from supporters of his challenger as he faces reelection in early June.
He offered two more explanations: first, that executives often take “power naps,” and second, that his naps are caused by pain pills he was prescribed after falling through a chair last year while eating at McDonald’s.
“The chair broke because I’m big,” Rosenthal argued. “I’m 60 years old, so if I eat during my lunch hour and take a little medication, can’t I close my eyes? Is it so outrageous?”

What is unbelievable is that the union rank and file are actually getting fed up with his behavior. I mean, this is what the Democrats are looking for in good voters citizens followers, right?
I’m in the wrong job, obviously.



