Tuesday Slavery Open Comments

A Saudi diplomat is caught engaging in slavery – again. And it was in the United States.
It wasn’t the first time the Saudis have engaged in humans as commodities.
But then, it’s just a cultural thing.
But the Saudis are not alone. Mexico also has a history of slavery.

A significant number of Mexican women, girls, and boys are trafficked within the country for commercial sexual exploitation, lured by false job offers from poor rural regions to urban, border, and tourist areas. According to the government, more than 20,000 Mexican children are victims of sex trafficking every year, especially in tourist and border areas. – U.S. State Dept Trafficking in Persons Report, June, 2009

What’s bad is that some of this trafficking ends up in our country.
In Oakland.
In Connecticut.

In Miami.
Probably every state in the union is harboring more than a few slave trafficking scumbags.
These are people who are truly enslaved, suffering from malnutrition and overworked. They have lost all of their freedom, and are kept truly enslaved, some of them forced to serve up their bodies on command.
So I don’t cry over Kanye West not being able to show his music video “New Slaves” on the wall of the Alamo. Then there’s the constant rant of how backward this country still is, from the poverty pimps like Jackson and Sharpton.
At least Sheila Jackson Lee speaks about slavery from personal experience.
I wonder if the world will ever be set free of this evil?



