But Wait

 The choice was made,
The date was set.
The mother at the door was met.
She was laid down
Upon the bed
The mist before her eyes was red.

The babe inside
Knew not just yet
That fate was death this moment met.
He sucked his thumb
And then he felt
Death it was the hand was dealt.

“But wait!” he cried
Tho’ no one heard
His plaintive plea for one more word.
“But wait!” he cried
“Don’t you know?
You will reap what ‘tis you sow!”

“I am the one
To hold you tight
Against the terrors of the night.
The comfort I am
When you are old,
Will not be when I am cold.

“I am the one
Will stay the hand
Of the dreaded robber band
That will attack you
Some night hence
In some moment frightful tense.

“I am the one
To save the earth
When medicine I make of such worth.
“I am the one,”
He sadly said,
“Who will mourn you when you are dead.”

“I am the one
To bring you cheer
When my toothless smile appear.
“I am the one!”
He cried in fright,
“To fight for you against all might!”

“But wait,” he said,
“Don’t you see?
God put us together – you and me.
“I am you
And you are me,
And part of you dies when you kill me.”

“But wait!” he sighed,
In moment his last
An epiphany his mother had, alas,
The choice was made,
The pain so great
And she called out loud “But wait!”

Her unborn son
Made his way home
Greeted by God in Heaven to roam.
“She didn’t want me,”
The babe sadly said,
“I know,” God sighed, “live here instead.”



