Friday Open Comments

With all of the reports of bombings, shootings, and general mayhem, I began to wish we had some real detectives on the case. You know, like these famous TV detectives:
Columbo – the iconic “Oh, just one more thing” was always asked of his prey. It seems that he figured out who the culprit was, and just focused on giving the guilty man just enough rope to hang himself.

Magnum, P.I. – Hubby was told he resembled Tom Selleck a little when he was a teenager. I never told him that the resemblance wasn’t that strong. He tried to pull off the “I look just like him” even recently. /sigh

McMillan & Wife – My whole family hated it when they wrote Susan St. James out of this series. Every Sunday we’d watch the mystery movie, and M&W was very popular with The Tribe.

McCloud – Also a Sunday night treat, the cowboy riding the streets of New York was another detective that we looked forward to each week.

Ellery Queen: I always enjoyed trying to figure out the crimes in this series. These shows were a little more cerebral than some of the others.

Simon & Simon
– I don’t know which of these two I had a bigger crush on.

Rockford Files – James Garner. You can’t get much better than this.

Remington Steele – Okay, okay, I admit this was a cheesy show. I just like Pierce Brosnan. Unfortunately, I can’t find a clip of the show on Youtube as someone else likes him even better than I and has somehow made a jillion videos of this show set to even cheesier music. I refuse to put it here. Stephanie Zimbalist has fantastic hair. I was soooo jealous of her hair. I caught the movie “Evelyn” on TV one vacation, and Brosnan played an Irish father whose wife had deserted him, and he was having a rough time making ends meet and caring for his kids. He’s finally talked into sending his kids to the local Catholic orphanage – he thinks temporarily – and he tells the cop to “send in the nuns”. It sounded like “send in the noouns”. I ran that line by Lovely every chance I got. Drove her crazy. It was delightful.
Then there was Angela Lansbury as Jessica Fletcher, Mannix, Peter Gunn, Mason, Cannon…they all solved crimes without the gruesomeness of today’s CSI shows. I won’t even watch them anymore. The older detectives used their brains to solve crimes.
Eric Holder couldn’t shiine their shoes, even if they were only TV shows characters.



