Monday “Bad Optics” Open Comments

The Washington Times tears into the Obama’s “1% lifestyle”.

Being president of the U.S., the most powerful man in the world, is often most about perception. The man (or, one day, woman) in the job takes actions large and small every day, but it is the perception of the man that seeps into the everyday lives of working Americans.

The article discusses the need for candidates to appeal to the “common man” by participating in “common things,” like Philly cheesesteak sandwiches – without Swiss cheese – to “connect” to the voter base.
The reporter then points out that George Bush made decisions to not participate in certain activities to be sensitive to those “common people,” many of whom vilify him and worship the current occupants of the White House. Hate Bush or not, you have to admit that this kind of stuff, like his much publicized vacation from playing golf, was pretty sensitive to the needs of others:

“I think playing golf during a war just sends the wrong signal,” he said years later. “I don’t want some mom whose son may have recently died to see the commander in chief playing golf. I feel I owe it to the families to be in solidarity as best as I can with them.”
That’s also why Mr. Bush did two other things, without fanfare or praise. First, he never headed home to his Texas ranch until after Christmas, instead going to Camp David for a few days. That way, the hundreds of people revolving around him at all times — White House staff, Secret Service agents, reporters, photographers, all the others — could spend the holiday with their families in and around Washington, D.C. No one ever reported that — until this column.
Second, he rarely attended sporting events… His thinking there was the same: If he went to a baseball game… his mere presence would mean hours and hours of extra security for fans. He once stopped off at the Daytona 500 and the metal detectors through which every fan had to pass left thousands outside in line when the green flag fell; he didn’t attend many sporting events after that.

But something remarkable has happened with these occupants of the White House: Neither President Obama nor first lady Michelle appear to give a damn about perception. They won the White House and, by God, they’re going to enjoy their time there, no matter the cost. And who cares what you think, anyway?
How else to explain the nonstop vacations the pair keep taking during what Mr. Obama calls the “worst financial crisis since the Great Depression”? In 2013, the First Family has already enjoyed three vacations — that’s one a month. (Sorry, Joe America, you might have to forget your week at the beach again this year, but make sure you get those taxes in on time!)

Oh, yes, from Hawaii to Bermuda and points beyond, the Obamas and Bidens have truly been enjoying themselves on the public dime.

And that perception, juxtaposed with reality, more than nearly anything else, tells you an awful lot about this president.

But not anything we didn’t really already know. These people are the biggest elitist snobs ever to live in the best public housing the taxpayers can provide.



