Friday Emergency Prep Open Comments

Found this website, with its ideas for handling emergencies. For example:

    Strap a light to a water filled jug to create a larger lighted area.
    Use shortening or olive oil to make candles.
    Keep matches in a jar with a strikeable lid.
    Keep a list of phone numbers that you might need.
    Store a lot of water in the bathtub.
    Learn how to refrigerate – and what to refrigerate – without power.

But a lot depends upon how long this emergency lasts. I would add the following:

    Have a stockpile of food, at least enough for several days, if not longer.
    Have a gun and ammunition for the inevitable decline of civil society.
    Know what plants are edible, learn to forage.
    Do you have a way to collect rain water?
    Have a solar cooker and know how to use it, to extend the life of your fuel.
    Keep up good relations with your neighbors – you may need them.

And if you really want to prepare for possible tough times – register to vote, and then do it!



