Tuesday Devil Man Open Comments

Running late. I have a standing Monday night thing I go to, so from early Monday afternoon on, I’m pretty booked and I didn’t see the lack of a thread today.
So, here ya’ go.
From yesterday’s news – Does Satan look like Obama? I saw the story (even before it was posted yesterday), and I couldn’t help but chuckle. Sometimes karma just takes big ol’ bite outta your hindside.

Mohamen Mehdi Ouazanni is the actor who plays “Satan” on the popular show, but it took make up and “other production tricks” to make him appear more like the President
This is what he looks like when he’s not playing Obama’s less evil brother:

The response from the producers of the show?

The popular U.S. TV miniseries “The Bible” has plunged into controversy over what some viewers see as a physical resemblance between an actor playing Satan and President Barack Obama, but producers on Monday dismissed any likeness as coincidental.

Coincidental, hell. I think it was inevitable.