Thursday Foxy Women Open Comments

Well, this is one way to recruit conservatives – get ’em watching, then get ’em listening, and before long, we’re one less idiot in the world.

h/t Texanadian
Update: h/t GJT
But is there science behind the theory?

A new survey out of UCLA found that female politicians with “stereotypical feminine facial features” are more likely to be Republicans than women with gender-ambiguous or masculine facial features. The more gender-atypical the woman, in fact, the more likely she is to vote Democrat.

American conservatism is profoundly tied up with the old-fashioned gender paradigm in which husbands are active providers and women are passive nurturers. In that paradigm, a woman’s job—the core of her femininity—is to make herself as pretty as possible and then sit back and wait to be picked. That is a deeply conservative idea. You could argue that the conservative path is much friendlier to conventionally attractive women than it is to those with less “mainstream” looks. So is it any surprise that Republican women tend to read “pretty”? It’s a much tougher path for the women who don’t.

Okay, they’re confusing “wanting to be pretty” with “comatose”. So all pretty blondes are conservative ditz heads, I suppose. Just so you know, conservative women come in all shapes, colors, and sizes. We are extroverts, introverts, and some of us are just verts. We don’t judge each other on appearance, we look at what’s between the ears, not what’s being decorated around the ears. You know, similar to what MLK said? Something about judging character and not the outward appearance?

Liberal women, while we’re clearly affected by that structure (if we were completely free of it, I wouldn’t have a job), don’t have to live by it. We conform, but we also push back. We’ve got other **** to do.

Personal hygiene comes in second to say, pooping on cop cars or carrying a picket sign. Lipstick just gets in the way.

And, on the flipside, I can imagine that liberalism actively attracts people who are shut out of that old-timey paradigm, because once you find yourself outside of it, it’s easier to call bull**** on the whole thing. The women who can’t “pass” for hot are forced to consider why. Maybe this is far-fetched, but I feel like people who feel less welcomed by the system are more likely to question the system. I want to be pretty, because it’s fun to have fun with your appearance—but I want to do it for me. Not for some antiquated, patriarchal idea about my womanly duty.

Whoa, you whippersnapper! So you “feel less welcomed by the system”? Why, because you think you are fugly? Or less than comely? So because you don’t think you’re pretty enough to be attract a man, you don’t want to attract a man, so you’re not a conservative?
I sense a good deal of self-back-patting here, as in “I’m too smart to be sucked into being just another pretty face.” Who says you can’t be pretty AND smart AND successful AND meaningful?
Just look at those chicks on Fox News.
Or are you just another bigot born of jealousy? Or are you just bigoted in general? But you’re a liberal, so I repeat myself.



