Wednesday Crazy Open Comments

Compliments of one of our resident wimmins, mharper42, we have an **ahem** interesting story about another wimmin who thinks she “ate” her twin.
Before you get all wound up, it’s a potential case of fetus in fetu. Note that this condition and “crazy”, “koo-koo”, “nuts”, “bananas”, et al. are not mutually exclusive.

The scientist speculated that this happens far more than is ever researched or discovered. She hypothesized that many embryos split into two beings during very early development and that one twin absorbs the other quickly thereafter. This happens so early in the embryo’s formation—usually before cell differentiation— that it doesn’t affect most individuals by producing tumors or other complications. Here’s the freaky part, though: she also conjectured that twin absorption could account for most people’s asymmetrical body parts. For instance, if you have one arm that is longer than the other, you may have eaten your sibling. You disgust me.

Thank you mharper42.
Are you sure you’re not the surviving twin?



