Thursday Memories Open Comments

Lovely Daughter and Aggie Beau recently asked us for some pictures to fill some frames. I hate those kinds of requests, as I am not the most photogenic face in the world, and I have a hard time finding pictures that I like. They are few and faaar between. I found some old ones, though, while perusing my stash of pictures and yearbooks.
My favorite is my senior prom picture. That’s my Hubby behind me. I had to crop out the couple we were talking to. The photograph caught her in mid-blink and she looked stoned, and her date’s face was only half visible.

Tedtam w Hubby at her senior prom
Tedtam w Hubby at her senior prom

It’s been years since I looked that good!
Then I found a picture of Lovely’s first birthday party at Pistol Pete’s. She was a cutie from her first day. That was such a great day. It’s hard to believe she’s all grown up and stuff already. This picture was taken just yesterday.
Tedtam and Lovely at her 1 yr birthday party 1989
When Handsome Son was born, he had a rough time. Lovely was always there to help me out and love on her baby brother.Lovely Daughter loves her new brother 1999
Here I am, nailing Handsome Son with a kiss at a birthday party. I don’t know who kissed him more, her or me. I had to chase him down in the moon walk before I could lay a big wet momma kiss on him. Of course, the fun part was having Mommy chase him around.
Handsome Son ambushed by Tedtam Oct 1993
I don’t chase him around any more. It’s just not the same. I miss my little kids.
Where does the time go?
And I’m reminded of that old adage – life is like a roll of toilet paper. The closer you get to the end, the faster it goes.



