Monday “Liberal Elitism Strikes Again” Open Comments

Again, the left shows how it thinks that it’s culture of urban, dependency, big government culture is sooo much better than, well, a conservative culture.
Bill Clinton is warning his fellow Democrats not to underestimate the power of all those gun owners running amok “out there”.

But he said that he understands the culture that permeates a state like Arkansas — where guns are a longstanding part of local culture.
A lot of these people … all they’ve got is their hunting and their fishing,” he told the Democratic financiers. “Or they’re living in a place where they don’t have much police presence. Or they’ve been listening to this stuff for so long that they believe it all.” [Emphasis added]

So, gun owners are ignorant, backwoods, scared people who only want their guns because they have been brainwashed into fearing their government.
Because all those urbanites know so much more than those backwoods hillbillies, clinging to their guns and religion. Probably like these:
Of course, these “hillbillies” seem to have decent dental care going for them. But the real danger is the cigarettes that they wave around in front of their young son.
Of course, how does Bill explain all those urban conservatives? Oh, the weak-willed, weak-minded, brainwashed.
There is not enough spit or tape in the world.



