Crime And Punishment Association Football

Let’s try something different again. Rules are basic Word Association Football, but instead of a word, reply with a pun (get it? Crime and PUNishment? hahahaha, I slay myself sometimes).
1. Reply with a word associated with word in previous comment
2. One word per reply (you can add a parenthetical to explain, if desired)
3. One reply at a time
4. After a reply, another player must reply before you are eligible again
5. Keep it civil
7. Puns can be text only or visual – see here
So, as an example, if I were to post this picture (or link thereto):

a reply might be “Paula always thought a trip to the amusement park would be lots of funghi.”
Let’s start there.
They don’t have to be good puns, groaners are very welcome.



