Weekend “Ode” Open Comments

Recently, Southern Tragedy egged me on to compile a sequel to my “Ode to Chocolate” that was posted some time ago. I sent this to her, but never got a response, so I don’t know if she received it. I have decided to post it here. Just be warned – you probably shouldn’t read it out loud in front of children or in the workplace. Enjoy!
Morning Ode
My eyes are like my brain,
Groggy and slow.
I open them gradually
As I stretch my arms and back.
Sighing deeply, I stagger through my morning routine.
I feel no desire to move, but move I must.
I stumble to the kitchen,
Not knowing what I seek,
When – there! – I see my reward for leaving my bed.
Eyes widening,
Breath quickening,
Hands trembling,
I reach for my delight,
Stripping it clear from all encumbrances,
I giggle with glee!
I light a fire of anticipation,
And watch as my desire becomes more firm.
It glistens.
There is a scent in my nostrils that inflames my desire even more.
Impatiently, I snatch it,
I feel my fingers burning
As I touch it.
Gingerly, I bring it to my lips,
Tasting salt on my tongue,
I take it in my mouth,
I take it all,
In an orgy of restive want,
I take it in my mouth.
There is a dribbling on my chin,
And I wipe it with my fingers
And lick them, slowly, eyes closed.
Through my lips, my teeth,
I roll it on my tongue,
I cannot fight against it.
It fills something within,
Some deep need within me.
I groan with delight,
I hold back not,
Giving in to my base need,
I gratify myself until I am sated.
Sated, I sit in my chair,
At my table,
Near the window.
Did the neighbors see me?
I grin to myself with all the pleasure
Of an exhibitionist.
And I plan to do it again tomorrow.
I love bacon!


