Weekend “See the Resemblance?” Open Comments

This is how Lovely Daughter and Aggie Beau introduced us to our future grandbaby:

Tedtam's grandbaby at about 9 weeks
Tedtam’s grandbaby at about 9 weeks

I can see the resemblance. Short. Round.
Lovely kept going on and on about this great Christmas present they were giving me, but I didn’t get excited or consumed by curiosity. When I was young, one of my sisters showed me a great Christmas gift I was to be given, and it totally ruined the Christmas morning experience for me. Ever since, you could wave a gift under my nose and taunt me daily, and I have no inclination to shake, sniff, or handle any gift before Christmas morning. I don’t know if it drove her crazy that I didn’t react to her obvious excitement over the gift.
Lovely Daughter and I want a girl first. Firstborn girls are great, especially if they are the nurturing kind, like Lovely. On those days when I had a headache or was stressed out, she helped take care of Handsome Son for me, even at a young age. Aggie Beau says that since he decides the sex of the baby, he’s decided he wants a boy first.
I guess time will tell.


