Thursday “Long Walk off a Short Piers” Open Comments

Piers Morgan has certainly made a name for himself recently. His anti-gun rants have riled up certain segments of our society, and if he could repeal the Second Amendment, he would.
He debates gun control and shows what an arrogant idiot he is – he cannot even listen to what his guests are trying to tell him:

He even calls one man “unbelievably stupid”.

Pot, meet kettle.
Now, he even wants the Bible amended, as it is flawed, because he doesn’t agree with it, especially about gay marriage.
Talk about arrogance. No wonder there’s a petition to have him deported.
And it’s even funnier that his own countrymen don’t want him back.
I say, we take the difference between the two options and just drop him somewhere in the middle of the Atlantic. That should make people on both sides of the pond happy.


