Monday Amanpour in Israel Open Comments

Well, holy crap. ABC, in all its wisdom, is letting Amanpour do a special on the history of Israel.

In an affront to religious Jews and religious Christians everywhere, ABC News has chosen vehemently anti-Israel and anti-Christian journalist Christiane Amanpour to host a two-part primetime special about the history of the land of Israel that will air December 21 and 28. According to ABC, “Back to the Beginning” will feature Amanpour, who will “explore the powerful stories from Genesis to the Birth of Jesus.” Claiming she will use “the Old Testament as a guidebook,” ABC intones that the show will “peel back the layers of history and faith that has inspired billions.”

I’m not a fan of her work anyway. I don’t understand why she’s so popular. But then, the first time even saw Clinton – before I knew anything about him – the hair on the back of my neck literally stood up. I had a visceral reaction to him, even though my first viewing of the man was him playing a saxophone. You’d think that, as a sax player myself, I’d have a more favorable opinion. But I digress.

To have a woman who has trashed both the Jews of Israel and the Christians of the West – while simultaneously covering for Islamic terrorists – give her perspective on the Holy Land is insulting and offensive. As reported here, Amanpour trashed Christians in a series she created called God’s Warriors:

Why doesn’t ABC go full bore and get someone like, say…the Iranian defense minister to do a show on Israel? Call it the truth, and there will always be someone dumb enough to believe it.



