Wednesday Open Comments

Well, it’s finally over. I’ve been through a lot of these elections. I’m usually disappointed at the outcome but there’s always been hope for the future. When a politician really sucks at their job we can always take comfort in the fact that they will be held accountable. I’m not feeling that this time. This is a pivotal election. The country had a clear choice to make and they’ve chosen. We had a choice between trying to pull ourselves out of the chasm we’ve fallen in to or dig down further and ignore the fact that we’re suffocating. We’ve chosen to quit breathing. From where I’m sitting, I see the event horizon, but it’s in my rear view mirror. There’s no going back now. It’s going to be a bumpy ride from here on out so hang on. In the meantime each and every one of you will remain in my prayers. I’ll leave you with a song and a comment from one of my cousins:
I was having a drink with Prince Charles and the Queen
When Winston Churchill stepped into my dream
His head it was heavy, his voice was shakin’
He said, “Look what they’ve done, it’s the death of a Nation”
I followed his shadow right out of the bar
And we talked all night ‘neath the light of the stars
He said, “This used to be a cradle of civilization
And now look what they’ve done, it’s the death of a Nation”
Every thing’s illusion now, nothing’s what it seems
Money isn’t everything, when you’re turning your back on a dream
I held you together when you were breakin’
You can pull down the flags, it’s the death of a Nation
Don’t say goodbye, don’t say goodbye
‘N we’ll never die, no we’ll never die
Don’t say goodbye, don’t say goodbye
‘N we’ll never die, no we will never die
From the bottom of this ancient heart
I hate to see you falling apart
‘Cos I love you still, I love you still, I love you still
You’ve been getting away with it far too long
Your promises ain’t worth the paper they’re printed on
I had a love, but that love’s been forsaken
Look what they’ve done, it’s the death of a Nation
Don’t say goodbye, don’t say goodbye
‘N we’ll never die, no we’ll never die
Don’t say goodbye, don’t say goodbye
‘N we’ll never die, no we will never die

Tonight, after the election is over, we can predict (and guarantee) the following results:
1. God will still be on His throne
2. Jesus will still be King of kings and Lord of lords.
3. The Bible will still have all the answers to every problem.
4. The tomb will still be empty.
5. Jesus will still be the only way to heaven.
6. Prayer will still work – it will still make a difference and God will still answer prayers.
7. The cross, not the government, will still be our salvation.
8. There will still be room at the cross.
9. Jesus will still save anyone who places their faith and trust in Him.
10. God will still be with us always – He will never leave us or forsake us.



