Wednesday Debate Aftermath Open Comments

Last night’s debate was much more lively than the previous one. Obama took the criticism of his previous debate performance to heart. Some of the questions were obviously planted. In this age of joblessness, are we really going to bring up the supposed inequality of women’s wages? I haven’t heard any “concerns” about that in, hmmm, seems like forever. I’m more concerned with getting women any kind of wage at the moment. Way too many women – and men – are waiting for an improving economy to help them get a job and keep their homes. Oh, and by the way, will somebody please send a telegram and let the president know that Planned Parenthood doesn’t really do mammograms? And there was an undercover citizen journalist who proved it by making phone calls to PP asking for one?
My office helper sent several text messages during the debate. When she first came to work for me, she was totally clueless about politics and current affairs. I believe her first message something along the lines of “they really don’t like each other right now,” and her last one relayed her derision towards Chris Matthews and a shortage of tape in the house.
I did find this entertaining (warning: the “bs” word is used):

Not often you get such a blunt assessment on national television.
Fast and Furious was brought up by Romney, thoroughly ignored by Obama. I suspect the media will ignore it as well.
Obama also did the shuck and jive when the question arose as to responsibility for Benghazi came up. Romney tried to point out the obvious, and the moderator jumped in to help Obama out.
There were a few times where Romney Mittslapped the president . And yes, I stole that term from a blogger on I think it fits. There were also times where Obama was so blatantly lying that even my Hubby, who hovers on the fringe of being informed, was amazed at the ballsiness of his claims. He’s going to have to go home and pull out the chainsaw to get his nose back into proportion.
And Romney is right – we don’t have to settle for more of what Obama has to offer.
For those of you who missed it, you can watch it here.



