Dead Che Week: Toadie Thursday

Humberto Fontova points out the irony of Chicago teachers union protesters wearing a serial killer’s image:

You just knew Che Guevara would show up as an icon of the union demonstrators in Chicago. Why? Well, let’s consider the factors in this demonstration by union-educators who were mostly educated by other union-educators:

  • Che Guevara outlawed trade unions. Then—at Soviet gun-point—he herded all recalcitrant Cuban union-members into forced-labor camps and sent their rebellious union-leaders to the firing squad.
  • The union members clamoring for more union privileges in Chicago while wearing t-shirts hailing this murderous Stalinist union-buster and hailing him as a “role model” are mostly products of America’s public schools—and keen to continue the glowing tradition abundantly evident in their own education.

Don’t look for this in the MSM, on The History Channel, much less in Chicago schoolbooks, but among the first, the most militant, and the most widespread opposition groups to the Stalinism Soviet satraps Che Guevara and Fidel Castro imposed on Cuba came from Cuba’s pre-Castro labor unions.

Union members wearing “Che” shirts is like Jews wearing Heinrich Himmler shirts.



