Friday Beautiful People Olympic Open Comments

The Olympics are like the Cannes Film Festival, Gran Prix Week in Monaco, and the Super Bowl all wrapped up in one neat package. As such, it is a perfect draw for the beautiful people.
Who are the beautiful people, you may ask? Simple – they are the people with more money than they reasonably know what to do with and date people who are not you or anybody even remotely like you.
They don’t fly to London and stay in hotels when they attend the Olympics. They travel in real style.
They hop in their own personal luxury yachts and moor them along Canary Wharf at a cost of about $14,000 per day.

Note the ‘tender’ parked next to the freaking ship. That is a boat that is bigger than most of you will ever board.
Mixed among the beautiful people are those who are merely ‘not too bad’.

There goes the neighborhood. Next thing you know one of you people will show up in this:

Or this:



