Thursday Frying Maestro Open Comments

Mr. Eric Campbell, you are a True American. President Obama can yammer all he wants about how what you’ve done would not have been possible without the government, we all know that you are that magical combination of garage tinkerer, huge idea guy, innovator, and gutsy hero.

Wrap a hot dog in bacon, deep-fry it, dip it in “bacon-bit-enriched” batter and give it another hot grease bath. The technique is a little more complicated, though, and Eric Campbell, fry master extraordinaire, said these dogs are labor intensive and the method is proprietary.
“Keeping (the bacon) on the hot dog took a lot of experimenting,” he said. So don’t even try to bribe the sweaty teenagers working the stand for the secret.

Others have tried and failed to do what you have done. Figuring out how to get bacon to adhere to a hot dog on a stick while it’s fried not once, but twice, took the inspiration of a savant.
We salute you.



