Monday “No Fed” Open Comments

The Ludwig von Mises Institute has an interesting question: Do we even need to have a Fed?

For all the Fed’s imposing grandeur, Ben Bernanke is running our third (albeit longest-running) try at a central bank. This country has lived without a central bank before and, if given the chance, could do so again. Most every American (led by Paul Krugman), though, would be horrified at the thought.

I don’t know that I would be “horrified,” but as someone who has never known a time without a central bank, this seems strange to even consider.  Who would manage the money supply?  Well, the Institute introduced me to the Suffolk System:

…private individuals acting outside the bounds of political control have proven entirely capable of providing much the same functions as a central bank, and at a far lower cost, no less.[1] Such was the case with the Suffolk banking system, operated out of Boston from 1824 to 1858.
..a consortium of seven Boston banks formed the Suffolk banking system, and they invited every city and country bank within the New England area to join.
Operations commenced on March 24, 1824, with every member bank required to maintain a permanent, non–interest bearing account at Suffolk, along with an additional account with enough of a balance to clear all paper bank notes presented for redemption. Eventually (and much to the profit of Suffolk) the notes of member banks would be cleared against each other, and loans would be granted for “overdrafts.”[2] The system accepted paper notes from all member banks of good standing at par. All paper notes of nonmember banks were immediately sent back to the issuer for redemption in gold.
There are some historians who claim Suffolk cannot be labeled a central bank, due to its “lack of quantitative control” over the money supply, but this is not correct.[4] The system most certainly did have control over the money supply; else it would have been entirely ineffective. Unlike the modern central banks, though, the Suffolk system was specifically designed to restrict excess circulation of paper bank notes.[5] The directors would frequently threaten any member bank with redemption of their paper notes for the promised gold if they believed that bank to be inflating beyond the bounds of safety. They were aware of an important economic truth — it is the quality rather than the quantity of money that matters.

It’s an interesting concept. Could we do this today? What would the effects of decentralizing our money management system do to the local and global markets? Without gold backing up each note, could we do what they did back in 1824?
I do not even claim to be smart enough to have answers to any of these questions. Doing anything to the money supply right now would be such a crap shoot that I don’t think anyone in power would be brave enough to suggest such a thing, much less get any bills passed. But the prospect of removing this source of power out of government hands is a tantalizing thought.
Tantalizing…but not to Krugman. His head would probably explode. Without the benefit of some splodeyhead doing it for him.

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June 26, 2012 8:17 am

I think this will likely be reposted on Tuesday’s thread, seeing as how it is Tuesday as I write this: Headline: Democrats Cancel Speedway Event At Charlotte Convention . . . .The move comes as party planners are grappling with a fundraising deficit of roughly $27 million, according to two people familiar with the matter who requested anonymity to discuss… Read more »

June 25, 2012 10:58 pm

#80 Sarge
What a great find! Charade, His Girl Friday (The cops came rolling out like oranges), Road to Bali, Great Dictator, Scarlett Pimpernel, Sherlock Holmes and the Secret Weapon, The 39 Steps, John Wayne, Birth of a Nation, The Golem, Battleship Potemkin, Cream’s Farewell Concert, Animal Farm, etc.
I’m in Saturday Night at the Movies heaven.

June 25, 2012 10:42 pm

Wow, I just read the 2012 Republican Platform, still calling for the abolition of the lottery and return to the Gold Standard. There’s going to be troulble if these guys get into a position of power and implement the platform. 😉 Gambling ― We oppose the expansion of legalized gambling and encourage the repeal of the Texas State lottery. We… Read more »

June 25, 2012 10:03 pm

I’ve been detailed to Hunter’s Point and Treasure Island, there ain’t nothin that can be done. It might as well be the Chinese’ money as opposed to someone else’s. Lennar Corp., LEN +0.80% one of the U.S.’s largest home builders, is in talks with the China Development Bank for approximately $1.7 billion in capital to jump-start two long-delayed San Francisco… Read more »

June 25, 2012 9:51 pm

It is about time. Granted, I am easily fooled but it appears the Air Force is finally making an honest effort at addressing this assult on America’s finest. What the colonel did not mention directly in his recent address was a widening sex scandal that has rocked the base, one of the nation’s busiest military training centers. Allegations that male… Read more »

June 25, 2012 9:32 pm

Man the frik up Nancy and quit whining.

Sorry, Eureka’s a good show with a loyal following. Granted not as high as Dancing With the Stars, but good entertainment nevertheless.

June 25, 2012 9:28 pm

Man the frik up Nancy and quit whining.

Super Dave
Super Dave
June 25, 2012 9:28 pm

Blog Monkey has reminded me that as a progressive communist I am held to a higher standard have no standards and should turn the other uhhh…. cheek.
I won’t C&P other’s transgressions as that doesn’t excuse my response.

Sigh,… 🙁

June 25, 2012 9:23 pm

As to today’s Arizona decision, the court has decided that the government must be provided the opportunity to demonstrate that they will abuse their power. This is different from previous courts that didn’t trust the government in any way shape or form.

June 25, 2012 9:14 pm

I just don’t understand how they can cancel that show, one of the few I’ll watch ………….
Where were we? Oh yeah.
Blog Monkey has reminded me that as a progressive I am held to a higher standard and should turn the other uhhh…. cheek.
I won’t C&P other’s transgressions as that doesn’t excuse my response.

June 25, 2012 8:57 pm

I sure hope the FBI is on this, but with this Justice Department, its unlikely. Aaron Walker, one of the bloggers targeted by Brett Kimberlin, is the latest victim of SWAT-ting. Walker, who goes by Aaron Worthing online, tweeted the news of this extreme form of harassment being used on his family shortly after news broke that the peace order… Read more »

June 25, 2012 8:47 pm

I’m gonna need more popcorn A single internal Department of Justice email could be the smoking-gun document in the Operation Fast and Furious scandal — if it turns out to contain what congressional investigators have said it does. The document would establish that wiretap application documents show senior DOJ officials knew about and approved the gunwalking tactic in Fast and… Read more »

June 25, 2012 8:43 pm

As I understand it, the Arizona police officials cannot release an offender that they suspect of being illegal until that determination is made, yet Big Sis says she won’t help Arizona police in any way – therefore, is it safe to assume that these people will be detained indefinitely pending determination of their legal status? Sheriff Joe might need to… Read more »

June 25, 2012 8:39 pm

I thought Granny Hammy doesn’t tolerate ad hominem BPH (aka Caca de TORO)
,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,just think of the bandwidth we could save!

El Gordo
June 25, 2012 8:08 pm

Chief Justice Roberts voted with the liberals on 3 of the 4 issues brought forward in the Arizona case, which I though was unusual. Here’s what I think – I think this was an effort by Roberts to toss the Obama Administration a bone prior to the big slap down on Obamacare. Hope I’m right on this. As I understand… Read more »

June 25, 2012 7:56 pm

Numnutz? He’s a bit more offensive than usual. I bet its the prospect of the kind lof week he’s going to have poltically. It appears that the two Justices writing opinions on Obamacare are Justice Roberts who is likely writing the majority opinion and Justice Ginsburg who is likley writing the dissent. There s some opinion, however, that the decision… Read more »

June 25, 2012 7:03 pm

Ooh ……………. Eureka’s on, gotta go
Numnutz, hold that thought I’ll get back to you. And try not to scratch, no matter how much your nose itches.

June 25, 2012 7:01 pm

#64 Are you referring to your favorite condiment or something?

June 25, 2012 6:57 pm

Speaking of butt acne …………………
Right on cue.

June 25, 2012 6:54 pm

#57 Bob if you can’t see the pattern of intentional deception (FREAKING LYING) with the examples we have highlighted just today then you are blind. It is not error, because that error would sometimes be against JugEars but, seeing as how that has never been the case, it has to be intentional manipulation/propaganda. You throwing out the “conspiracy” word is… Read more »

June 25, 2012 6:53 pm

#60 crazy aunt
Does he barf?

June 25, 2012 6:43 pm

Just great, even the Scots think we’re balmy. One ACE textbook – Biology 1099, Accelerated Christian Education Inc – reads: “Are dinosaurs alive today? Scientists are becoming more convinced of their existence. Have you heard of the ‘Loch Ness Monster’ in Scotland? ‘Nessie’ for short has been recorded on sonar from a small submarine, described by eyewitnesses, and photographed by… Read more »

June 25, 2012 5:23 pm

# 54 Bone Actually that is exactly what my God mother said who is a dog fanatic, but the vet and I are pretty sure he is part Terrier and Dachshund. He also has the traits of the two of them too. He is determinately a cuddle bug which I love and then a adventurer/trouble-maker-thanks-to-hubby, which we both laugh at.… Read more »

June 25, 2012 5:05 pm

My conspiracy theory meter is pegged again. Yah, you’re probably right. No reason to think that they are doing this on purpose. Just last week, Andrea Mitchell was caught red-handed in an attempt to edit Romney into what could’ve been a defining gaffe (which you can bet was the whole idea). Earlier this year, NBC’s once-legendary “Today Show” was caught… Read more »

June 25, 2012 4:58 pm

My conspiracy theory meter is pegged again.

I think there is a pattern there.

You guys are so funny, sometimes I think Hammie’s couch should have a cover charge or a two drink minimum.

June 25, 2012 4:48 pm

#55 Sarge: The libs didn’t seem to think it was a problem when NBC rigged a pick-up with asplosives to asplode in a side collision. The libs didn’t seem to think it was a problem that Dan Blather on CBS used blatantly forged documents to libel George Bush. The libs didn’t seem to think it was a problem that this… Read more »

June 25, 2012 4:40 pm

They didn’t think it was a big deal when NBC deceptively edited the Gerogre Zimmerman 911 tapes to make him look like a racist. They didn’t mind at all when NBC deceptively edited a tape in an attempt to make Mitt Romney look bad. I wonder if Liberals will care when they find out that Jerry Sandusky might get an… Read more »

June 25, 2012 4:24 pm

I see a bed warmer. Brittney Spaniel, try as you will, that dog is gonna be in the bed with you and AB.

June 25, 2012 4:19 pm

# 52 Bone crusher, try now I just made the picture public. If then that doesn’t work I don’t know what will!

June 25, 2012 3:55 pm

#47 LD: Linkie is different but still no workie. Translation: no doggie pic.

June 25, 2012 3:54 pm

F and F with the associated EP: I just heard a caller on Hannity mention that Holder sent a message to JugEars to the effect of “If I go down so do you.” I would suggest that Stedman not take any overseas flights or he may have an “accident” similar to the one Ron Brown had during the Clinton admin.

June 25, 2012 3:42 pm

Whether it’s Nixon’s out of control ATF, or the similarly powerful and overfunded DEA, it’s yet another case of “Meet the new boss, same as the old boss” when it comes to lying and stonewalling at congressional hearings. “Is crack worse for a person than marijuana?” Polis asked Leonhart. “I believe all illegal drugs are bad,” Leonhart answered. Polis continued,… Read more »

Robert M
Robert M
June 25, 2012 3:40 pm

Oh, and before I forget, since Obummer is asking people to use their gift registries to carry the option of giving a donation to the Obummer re-election committee instead of some meaningless gift to a bride and groom or a gift to anybody else, the next thing the Obummer people will be asking is that “in lieu of flowers” for… Read more »

June 25, 2012 3:36 pm

Does anyone know of anyone looking for a engineering, architecture, or of the like job? Aggie Beau’s firm is desperately trying to hire people for all over, but also here in Houston. Let me know if anyone is interested!

June 25, 2012 3:30 pm

Maybe this is better

Robert M
Robert M
June 25, 2012 3:26 pm

Since I wrote a list of reasons why Moochelle wanted four more years for Barry, I thought maybe Barry should have a list of his own. So here is Barry’s “Top Ten” list of reasons for wanting to be re-elected: 1) Wants to become the first Muslim Brotherhood president of the United States. 2) Rather likes playing the role of… Read more »

June 25, 2012 3:21 pm

#42 LD: 2nd linkie no workie.

June 25, 2012 3:19 pm

38 mharp
I’ve done both.
I guess you’ve noticed which one I dropped.

June 25, 2012 3:18 pm

As far as tehe SCOTUS ruling today; what part about protecting against invasion does the SCOTUS and the Ds not understand? ARTICLE IV STATES’ RELATIONS Section 4. The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion; and on Application of the Legislature, or of the… Read more »

June 25, 2012 2:50 pm

Cute puppy picture(s) of the day
The second one is my own pup, just so darn freakin’ cute!

June 25, 2012 2:43 pm

Maher is certainly a politically biased comedian. I was able to get over that while enjoying Gillespie & Maddow’s discussion.

June 25, 2012 2:42 pm

Ace puts it this way. Bill Maher actually said this: 1, Republicans don’t care about dead Mexicans, and 2, it doesn’t matter if US government guns killed Mexicans, they’d be dead anyway. “So is this really a scandal?” he wanted to know. So, Bill Maher actually said, to paraphrase, “Who cares about Dead Mexicans, they’d be dead anyhow, and those… Read more »

June 25, 2012 2:36 pm

On Drudge:

STUDY: Posting On FACEBOOK As Enjoyable As Sex…

Someone better let Shannon know…

June 25, 2012 2:33 pm

#36 Bob: When that ^&^%$#$%^& stack of filth, Maher, said that Rs don’t care about 200 dead Mexicans I wanted to shoot my monitor. That is caustic, outrageous, not funny and a wissin lie and everyone knows it. Gillespie should have shouted him down at that instant and called him the lying sack of *&^* that he is! People of… Read more »

June 25, 2012 2:04 pm

Reason’s Nick Gillespie goes head to head with Rachel Maddow on Operation Fast & Furious. They didn’t agree on much, but I agree with some of what each one had to say.
Content Advisory: They appeared on Real Time with Bill Maher.

June 25, 2012 1:53 pm

Kind of a happy sad story
h/t instapundit

June 25, 2012 12:41 pm

More money spent on poverty.
Poverty goes back to what it was when LBJ waged war on it.

Federal welfare spending this year now totals $668 billion, spread out over 126 programs, while the poverty rate that remains stubbornly high at nearly 15 percent – roughly where it was in 1965, when President Johnson declared a federal War on Poverty.