Feeling Safer Yet?

I travel a lot. I have come to see most of what passes for airport security as a charade, kabuki theater that only gives the illusion of greater security and safety.

On Sunday, new enhanced security measures will be going into effect at many US airports. These measures include use of the new backscatter x-ray machines and enhanced pat-downs of passengers who either refuse to be irradiated or who are flagged for additional attention.

In the report linked above, the security consultant was asked whether these new (very expensive) machines would have detected the explosives in Captain Boomerpants’ manties. The answer was “no”. What would have stopped him was our very expensive, very large security apparatus paying attention to the guy’s own father, who took the time to drop by our embassy and warn us.

We are all familiar with the stated reasons for these new procedures: the 9/11 hijackings and other attempts to destroy passenger aircraft in flight, most notably the shoe bomber and Captain Boomerpants. Both plots failed and both were taken off the aircraft upon arrival and both were somewhat worse for the wear.

Other dangerous acts aboard in-flight aircraft have also resulted in the perpetrators being taken off the aircraft in a condition often significantly worse than when they boarded. (FBI Agent: “What did you people do to this guy?” Passengers: “He fell down the stairs? A lot?”).

Prior to 9/11, airline hijackings were attempted for ransom payments or for “glory of the revolution” where the hijacker wanted to make a political statement by going to Havana. The best way to safeguard the passengers was to just go along with the hijackers and after a couple of days, they would be released. 9/11 was the first that changed that dynamic. The people aboard United 93 figured out that they needed to do something different. Everyone who now flies, especially who fly often, knows that hijackings and other acts of terror must be dealt with quickly and decisively.

This past week reports surfaced in Europe criticizing our airport security measures. In essence, the reports said that our security measures were too elaborate and contained actions that were pointless. Two activities that were specifically mentioned just happen to be two of my personal pet peeves and cause the bulk of the backup at checkpoints: removal of shoes and removing laptops from their bags. I’ll also note that flying back from Europe is insane. You have to go through a security checkpoint at the airport, just like you do here. Then there’s another one at the gate (required for US carriers). Then, after you arrive in the US and go through Passport control & Customs, you have to go through another checkpoint. Going to Europe, you go through security at the main checkpoint only.

I wonder how long it will be before this kind of intrusive search is implemented elsewhere in our society?






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El Gordo
October 29, 2010 9:15 pm

#8 – Problem is, he doesn’t look (or act) competent even when he’s pretending. All I heard was more problems coming up for travelers over the busiest travel day of the year – all compliments of the government – and you, the traveler should be saying thank you for the inconvenience.

October 29, 2010 9:06 pm

Leave it to the current president to look competent over a fake threat.

Let me rephrase that –

Leave it to the current president to pretend to look competent over a fake threat.

El Gordo
October 29, 2010 8:56 pm

Does anyone believe that all this brohaha about the exploding toner cartridges is anything but another October surprise, designed to show that the Dems can deal with national security? I happen to think it’s just the prelude to beefed up measures already scheduled to take place with the new frisking and hand pat measures being instituted. Scare them and little… Read more »

October 29, 2010 4:27 pm

In Italy, there were military-looking men with firearms meant for business that stood on a balcony overlooking the crowds below. These same military figures were seen standing outside of one of their ministry buildings. The Italians don’t worry about gun weenies, it seems. I read an article somewhere about how the Israelis were rolling eyes over our policy of emptying… Read more »

October 29, 2010 2:27 pm

#1, another good example, I fly to Zurich at least every year for corporate meetings. And the Security at the airport is a paramilitary group from the ground up. Walking around in full military uniforms from their boots to their M-16’s in their hands. They don’t stop and talk to people but they patrol the terminal outside security. Then you… Read more »

El Gordo
October 29, 2010 1:59 pm

The answer to your last question, how long will it be until this kind of intrusive search is allowed….. is easy. Not long, unless we do something about it – like act rationally and quit this PC BS.

October 29, 2010 12:47 pm

Pyro: Let’s look at a system that actually works: El Al Airlines have never been hijacked, and the terrorists have had no luck getting past Israeli security; why do you figger that is?? The answer is that they racially and behaviorally profile every passenger. There is an interview while you are in line during check-in; correct behavior and answers and… Read more »

Super Dave
October 29, 2010 9:15 pm

#8 – Problem is, he doesn’t look (or act) competent even when he’s pretending. All I heard was more problems coming up for travelers over the busiest travel day of the year – all compliments of the government – and you, the traveler should be saying thank you for the inconvenience.

October 29, 2010 9:06 pm

Leave it to the current president to look competent over a fake threat.

Let me rephrase that –

Leave it to the current president to pretend to look competent over a fake threat.

Super Dave
October 29, 2010 8:56 pm

Does anyone believe that all this brohaha about the exploding toner cartridges is anything but another October surprise, designed to show that the Dems can deal with national security? I happen to think it’s just the prelude to beefed up measures already scheduled to take place with the new frisking and hand pat measures being instituted. Scare them and little… Read more »

October 29, 2010 4:43 pm

The Korean Army guards Kim-Po airport. They walk around in full combat gear, armed to the teeth. There are also lots of US MP’s in evidence as well.

October 29, 2010 4:27 pm

In Italy, there were military-looking men with firearms meant for business that stood on a balcony overlooking the crowds below. These same military figures were seen standing outside of one of their ministry buildings. The Italians don’t worry about gun weenies, it seems. I read an article somewhere about how the Israelis were rolling eyes over our policy of emptying… Read more »

October 29, 2010 2:27 pm

#1, another good example, I fly to Zurich at least every year for corporate meetings. And the Security at the airport is a paramilitary group from the ground up. Walking around in full military uniforms from their boots to their M-16’s in their hands. They don’t stop and talk to people but they patrol the terminal outside security. Then you… Read more »

Super Dave
October 29, 2010 1:59 pm

The answer to your last question, how long will it be until this kind of intrusive search is allowed….. is easy. Not long, unless we do something about it – like act rationally and quit this PC BS.

October 29, 2010 1:45 pm

Are you saying that the TSA is not staffed by professionals of the highest caliber? I’m shocked! The ACLU & all their “libertarian” friends have made it such that the pain has to be spread evenly and randomly so we can claim to be sensitive and culturally aware. This is why a buncha nut Lutherans can make a big production… Read more »

October 29, 2010 12:47 pm

Pyro: Let’s look at a system that actually works: El Al Airlines have never been hijacked, and the terrorists have had no luck getting past Israeli security; why do you figger that is?? The answer is that they racially and behaviorally profile every passenger. There is an interview while you are in line during check-in; correct behavior and answers and… Read more »