Friday Workin’ Late Again Open Comments

Worked late again last night, didn’t get to bed until 3:00 am. So I’m just throwin’ some items up for discussion today:
Republican offices are burgled.
Obama administration wisses off important people. Again. And they are our own people, this time.
Romney opens his general election campaign with this ad.
David Limbaugh discusses same-sex marriage. And so does Al Sharpton, calling black pastors “hypocrites” for dropping Obama. Oh, so they’re supposed to drop God instead of Obama? /snort
And 20 years ago, an icon stepped away from the cameras. I wonder, was he announced in Heaven when he arrived with “Heeeeeeeeeeeeere’s Johnny!”
Obama meets Elvis. Doesn’t get much better than this, folks!
That should be enough to keep you guys busy for a while. I’m going for coffee.



