Thursday Weird Legal Open Comments

Let’s start with a mind-blowing legal case(don’t look at the link if you want to attempt to solve the problem first):

Ronald Opus attempts to jump to his death, but he doesn’t know about the safety net that would prevent the successful completion of his mission. . On the way down, he is shot by a shotgun blast as an older couple argue. Normally, the husband waves an empty shotgun around to threaten his wife when they argue – which is why they keep it empty. So why is it loaded during this argument? It seems the wife had cut off their son recently, and the son was seen loading the shotgun, knowing the odds of the gun being pulled out and pointed at his mother. The police go looking for the son, but they can’t get testimony from him, as he’s dead. His name was Ronald Opus.

Question: Is this a case of suicide, homicide, involuntary manslaughter, or simply an accident? (See the link for the answer.)

A man sued his girlfriend because, as he says, she broke his penis during a creative sexual session. When the girl tried some new maneuver his penis simply got broken. He sued her for repairing damage for “negligent sexual intercourse”, which resulted with sexual dysfunction.

How did the court decide? It’s number 3 on this list.
Finally, we have’s take on some Supreme Court cases. CAUTION: Language not safe for work.



