Obama Takes Credit For Friday Open Comments

President Obama decided to drag his teleprompters to a pipe yard near Cushing, Oklahoma yesterday to take credit for something he had nothing to do with and to blame everyone but himself for stalling a pipeline project where he was the sole decision-maker.
In short, he did what he always does: takes credit for the sun rising and blaming some other kid when he throws a rock through a little old lady’s window.

The above is a satellite view of oil storage tank farms in Cushing. While it looks like a truly huge amount of storage, it really only acts as a buffer between different pipelines and different loads within the same pipeline.
The southern portion of TransCanada’s Keystone XL pipeline will run from Cushing to Port Arthur, relieving a crude bottleneck in the midwest caused by the recent increase in production primarily in North Dakota.
Obama claimed he is and will be removing roadblocks to the pipeline’s construction. TransCanada said “Meh.” in response.

But TransCanada Vice President Robert Jones told reporters after the President’s speech their timeline remains the same.
“What I think I heard today was the administration will continue with their cooperation and that schedule we have to start full construction by midyear remains the secure.”

A spokesman for John Boehner made a couple of cutting remarks about Obama’s jump to claim unearned credit.

“After rejecting and personally lobbying against Keystone XL and thousands of new jobs, the president plans to tout that he’s now interjecting himself on behalf of a routine permit that is normally handled by bureaucrats,” aides to the House speaker, John A. Boehner, Republican of Ohio, wrote in a blog post on Thursday. A Boehner spokesman, Brendan Buck, added, “This is like the governor holding a press conference to renew my driver’s license.”

The man makes an empty suit look like a genius,





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March 24, 2012 12:30 am

Because the electorate is stupid.

Hey, if we can return to where We the People didn’t vote directly for president, I’d be all for that. But that’s not going to happen. And I think the primaries are stupid but that’s a different story.

March 24, 2012 12:28 am

Darren the Reagan argument is pointless. Just checking for consistancy. I still do not see anything Reagan promised during his campaign that’s a clearer plan once in office than what Romney’s doing right now. And the reason we have to track so far back to Reagan is because you probably didn’t vote for anyone since then. Romane can’t run on… Read more »

March 24, 2012 12:22 am


March 24, 2012 12:22 am

I gotta go to bed. Yeah I would rather we did not have a president at all or have to be bothered with choosing one. Why? Because the electorate is stupid. They are so afraid of running off the VMG they will not consider a candidate that stands on ANY type of principle. Our politics has become nothing more than… Read more »

March 24, 2012 12:09 am

Darren the Reagan argument is pointless. Romane on the other hand is current resents. You go on believin’ you dreamer you. Romane can’t run on his record and he damn sure cannot outline any meaningful policies cause he stands for nothing. Romane is what we get when we go into an election crying the mantra “obama has got to go”… Read more »

March 23, 2012 11:49 pm

Squawk #89;
LOl, I was just about to post a 4 minute version of that same debate but over that very segment. He promised to cut taxes, correct?

March 23, 2012 11:48 pm

You can spin this every way you want FEES always = TAXATION. True if you for whatever reason cannot choose to cease to particiate in the activity which requires a fee. Other than that they are not the same exact thing. Closing business tax loopholes is not a tax increase though affectively it does result inthe same: more taxes to… Read more »

March 23, 2012 11:43 pm
March 23, 2012 11:31 pm

Darren that is simply not possible. For that to be possible that would mean there were other programs that came in under budget and those funds were transferred to RCare. That did not could not have happened. There is not one State budget that could absorb those losses and especially not Mass. C’mon man throw away the KoolAid and think… Read more »

March 23, 2012 11:23 pm

I’m trying to find video of Reagan’s 1980 campaign promise to cut the deficit. 😉

March 23, 2012 11:23 pm

Brother Phil
LOL wish I could but you know how it is.

March 23, 2012 11:23 pm

While Romneycare could, and did, go overbudget, the state budget could still be balanced; and I do believe it was.

March 23, 2012 11:19 pm

Uhhh Darren This is exactly what I am talking about. Romneycare is in the freaking budget and if he fudged one the other had to be fudged.

I fail to see any trickery in terms of balancing the budget. I know he used trickery to balance Romneycare’s books but not the state budget.

The two are inseparable.
DOOOOOOD palm/forehead

March 23, 2012 11:17 pm

Doesn’t the President have at least some control over how allocated money is spent?

Yes and No sort of
Read this

March 23, 2012 11:00 pm

Squawk; with 2 words Since that’s a compound word, I guessthat’ll count as 2. Like Reagan, Romney inherited a huge, Democrat-created budget deficit. The existing Massachusetts deficit was already more than half a billion dollars when Romney took office halfway through a fiscal year, with a projected deficit of $3 billion for the following fiscal year. And yet, Romney balanced… Read more »

March 23, 2012 10:58 pm
March 23, 2012 10:41 pm

Oh sorry Darren I forgot to answer this

Which was……

Here ya go Plenty of linkies at your disposal.

March 23, 2012 10:38 pm

DARREN NO Romney’s budget was never balanced. He used the same accounting tricks that Clinton used to claim there was a surplus when there was none. I had no reason to ring Cain’s bell because I knew he was going to get torpedoed. It did not matter if Cain was Boehner’s best buddy he was not going far. It did… Read more »

March 23, 2012 9:49 pm

Squawk #55; Mass is in big trouble because of Romneycare……. big time. Yes it is now but the budget was balanced while he was governor, no? And I still do not think he’ll do universal healthcare on the nation but allow the states to decide. It is at that point which I have concerns as to what federal incentives he’d… Read more »

March 23, 2012 9:49 pm

#69 tt
A remarkable achievement that should provide fodder for graduate theses for many years.
Generally speaking these things are audited for a statistically significant sample, which are then scrutinized and the results statistically analyzed to determine whether there are enough eligible signatures, I look forward to seeing the comparison results.
Well Done!

March 23, 2012 9:47 pm

No porn on the TV.


March 23, 2012 9:44 pm

I didn’t sleep until three, and I’ve had a very rough day. I’m headed out. I have a full day tomorrow – it’ll start early and probably end late. Don’t know if I’ll be around much. Don’t set the couch on fire. If you spill something, clean it up. No porn on the TV. And keep your hands to yourselves!… Read more »

March 23, 2012 9:32 pm

Brother Phil is here and the sermon starts now.

March 23, 2012 9:27 pm

#49 shamaal Jim Yong Kim ain’t no big deal, outside of his own mind. Scott Johnson, John Hinderaker and former colleague, Paul Mirengoff, of Powerline blog are all Dartmouth alumni and very active in university affairs. At Dartmouth President Kim cultivated a cult of personality that resulted in his chosen speaker at the 2010 commencement ceremony paying tribute to none… Read more »

March 23, 2012 9:17 pm

Shannon #47;

Dang. I hadn’t considered that.

And we know that it is sooooooooooooooooooo true. 🙂
I just finished two posts on your First Thing’s link. If approved, they should pop up by tomorrow I guess.

March 23, 2012 9:14 pm

Adee #50;
Thank you.

March 23, 2012 9:11 pm

Verify the Recall has submitted its report. Here’s the link to the Walker Recall petition summary.

March 23, 2012 9:09 pm

I bet Hammie will be springing for this one,

Nah, I’m saving up for the Mother Teresa cinnamon bun.

March 23, 2012 9:05 pm

You don’t hear much about moonshining.

Taylor said he had reason to believe Clark was selling his product for $100 a pint, but Stokke said he thought it was more of a hobby.

$100 a pint!?
Mrs. Shamaal goes shopping for a keg tomorrow.

March 23, 2012 9:04 pm

I think this would creep me out.
I think I hear crude forming…behave!

March 23, 2012 8:56 pm

#59 shamaal
Mercer is a great event, especially for bulbs.

March 23, 2012 8:55 pm

I bet Hammie will be springing for this one,

March 23, 2012 8:45 pm

I just discovered that the guy that sells the velvet paintings of Reagan has an Ebay store.
Heh among the luminaries immortalized on black velvet is Steve jobs (I got my eye on that one) and Unicorn boy.

March 23, 2012 8:38 pm

Arrive early, that kind of treasure gets snapped up quickly 😉

March 23, 2012 8:34 pm

Can i get one of these or maybe one of these (on velvet of course).

March 23, 2012 8:34 pm

#57 tt

Strange how our local media didn’t catch any of that.

I’l speak to someone on the Chronicle’s Denmark television desk. 😉
Give it a day.

March 23, 2012 8:27 pm

For the mere hoity-toity, the Mercer Arboretum March Mart is also this weekend. If you are interested in over 2000 varieties of plants that actually grow in our area or 120+ gardeners on hand to talk thumbery, green or otherwise; this is the place to be. Bring a wagon.

March 23, 2012 8:24 pm

A reminder for the hoi-polloi, the Bayou City Arts Festival is this weekend in Memorial Park.
This isn’t your farts and crap show with angels made from toilet paper tubes and Bibles made from Reader’s Digest condensed books.
No siree, this is genuine artsy-fartsy stuff, one of the ten best in the country.

March 23, 2012 8:11 pm

Obama takes international ridicule.
Strange how our local media didn’t catch any of that.
Stuck on copy. Heh. How about stuck on stupid?

March 23, 2012 8:09 pm

Another picture of President Obama that clearly demonstrates that he is not from the US, or even planet Earth.

March 23, 2012 7:56 pm

Darren You crack me up. Ya need to go back and re-evaluate Romney’s success in Mass balancing the budget. Mass is in big trouble because of Romneycare……. big time. Cain did not have a snowballs chance because I knew going in he was going to get torpedoed big time and it happened. there was NO WAY the “R”establishment was going… Read more »

March 23, 2012 7:54 pm

Roman Catholics are up to their old Social Justice tricks. The organization that represents Texas’ Catholic high schools on Thursday called for a comprehensive review of the Texas Association of Private and Parochial Schools, calling TAPPS’ treatment of Jewish and Muslim schools unacceptable. “Failure to sufficiently improve the structure and management of TAPPS will require a re-examination of our 43… Read more »

March 23, 2012 7:47 pm

Gallagher is throwing in the sledge-o-matic towel.

The comedian Gallagher says he’s had his fill of performing live onstage and is retiring after 32 years.

March 23, 2012 7:42 pm

One of President Obama’s recess appointments to the National Labor Relations Board has been busted for insider trading.

The board’s inspector general said Terence Flynn violated ethics rules by sharing confidential details on the status of pending cases and the likely votes of other members before decisions were released.

Democrats are aking for the Justice Department to investigate.

March 23, 2012 7:37 pm

Now that’s an impressive resume for running the World Bank.
He must have missed the cut for Death Panel Czar the first time around.

March 23, 2012 7:33 pm

Darren, I share mharper42’s concern about the “brain zap.” Just a suggestion that medications can do odd things that are not mentioned on that wallpaper strip filled with tiny print that accompanies the prescription. If a symptom isn’t listed on it, doesn’t mean it isn’t real and connected. The pharmacist is likely more immediately available for consultation than the doc… Read more »

March 23, 2012 7:25 pm

The President has made an interesting choice to head the World Bank The White House on Friday named Jim Yong Kim, the president of Dartmouth College and a global health expert, as its nominee to lead the World Bank. …. Highly respected among aid experts, Dr. Kim is an anthropologist and a physician who co-founded Partners in Health, a nonprofit… Read more »

March 23, 2012 7:24 pm

She arrives home and tells this story: Friday evening. Rush hour at the (only) (so-called) grocery store in Bellville. Six check out lines are backed up to the back of the store. Announcement over PA system. “Our computer system has crashed. Just leave your baskets where they are, if you wish. We’ll put the groceries back on the shelf. We… Read more »

March 23, 2012 7:14 pm

“Actually, [Squawk] I consider you an “NOTanyone” for president person as opposed to strictly a “NOTRomney” person.”
Dang. I hadn’t considered that.

I think you’re on to something there, Bubba.