
I had heard of this woman some time ago, but I was unaware that she was still in isolation. In 2010, Asia Bibi was put on death row in Pakistan for making what, for us, would normally be a rather off-the-cuff and harmless comment.

The latter mentions the “crime” Asia Bibi (pictured here with two of her children) is supposed to have committed. It all began when she drank a glass of water from a well owned by a Muslim. This led to accusations that she had contaminated the well followed by a discussion among women workers that ended with charges against Asia Bibi of insulting the Prophet Muhammad.

She is a Christian in Pakistan, living among Muslims, and what she said has put her life and the lives of her family in danger. There is a price on her head for the crime of blasphemy. She was given the choice of converting to Islam, which would abrogate the charge of blasphemy against her, but she is standing firm in her faith, and encouraging her her children to do the same.
The video here explains the Pakistani blasphemy law. It is used against Muslims as well as Christians as a way of getting revenge against your enemies or settling scores. It’s a blatant use of religion for personal gain.
Bibi is trying to hold strong, but she is being held in a tiny cell with no windows, no toilet, and no sink. She must relieve herself there on the floor. Her Muslim captors harass her. She eats only food her husband brings her, for fear of being poisoned. Her children cannot go to school, and they must hide.
It is difficult for her to get legal help as well:

Muslim extremists last year murdered Punjab Governor Punjab Salman Taseer and Federal Minority Affairs Minister Shahbaz Bhatti because they had called for her release.

Bibi’s case is going before the United Nations. Pope Benedict has begged for mercy. Still she rots in her cell, fearing every moment for her life.
I used to work with a woman of the Baha’i faith, who was from Iran. I have never forgotten how she told me that her family had to be careful. They stayed in their village, with people they knew. Mahvash told me that if they left the village, their lives were worth nothing, as any Muslim could kill them. “They believe that the more of us they kill, the closer they get to heaven,” she said. That was a good reason for leaving Iran.
Remembering that story, I can better understand what Bibi and her family must be going through. If you want to support Bibi, and better understand her torment, she has dictated a book, called either “Blaspheme” (Blasphemy) or “Get Me Out of Here”. (I have seen both titles.)
She still stays strong in her faith:

However, despite her fear, Bibi encouraged her family to keep alive their desire to be happy even though life is not always easy.
“We are Christians and poor, but our family is a light…I still don’t know when they will hang me, but be at peace, my loves, I shall go with my head held high, without fear, because I will be in the company of Our Lord and the Virgin Mary, who will welcome me into their arms,” she said.

And the blasphemy law claims another young woman.

In the meantime, another young Christian woman has been accused of blasphemy in Pakistan.
Police in the district of Bahawalnagar, Lahore, charged Shamim, 26, the mother of a five-month baby girl, with insulting the Prophet Muhammad.
The alleged incident occurred on 28 February of this year and became public yesterday when she was taken into custody by police.
According to her family, Shamim was unjustly accused because she refused to convert to Islam. The accusations came from relatives who had recently converted.

Pray for these women. Pray for justice. Pray for a turning of the hearts of those who use this law unjustly, that they will find mercy. Hope for conversions like this.
And never, never, never take for granted our freedom of speech.