Friday “She Gets It” Open Comments

I know that there are some Beckophobes in the group, but I found this story on his web site and thought to myself “How does a young student get it and all those older, more intelligent ‘leaders’ don’t?”
Jada Williams read a book, took the time and effort to learn the vocabulary of what she was reading – and actually had some independent ideas! She didn’t just spout what was expected of her. She chastised the educational system and how it was failing her and her generation.

I now understood what had been to me a most perplexing difficulty- to wit, the white man’s power to enslave the black man…. From that moment, I understood the pathway from slavery to freedom. My thoughts: This type of thinking is somewhat still prevalent in our society today. Most white teachers that I have come into contact with, over the last several years of my life, have failed to instruct us even today….When I myself sit in crowded classrooms and no real concrete instruction is taking place. It makes that saying “history does repeat itself” all the more true. For white teachers to be able to be in a position of power to dictate what I can, cannot and will learn, only desiring that I may get bored because of the inconsistency and the mis-management of the classroom and remain illiterate and ignorant; or better yet distracted because some children decide to misbehave because they don’t understand, and ashamed to ask for help.
So, I feel like not much has changed, just different people, different era, the same old discrimination still resides in the hearts of the white man.

According to the interview, her teacher was upset that she was being “lumped in”. I don’t believe it’s just the white teachers; I believe it’s a class of teacher, not a race. I’ve met plenty of black educators who didn’t have their students’ best interests in mind. The teacher’s name was never mentioned, but obviously she must have believed that she was guilty of failing her students, as per Jada’s paper. Having my experiences with Handsome Son’s educational troubles, I fully understand the intimidation tactics they describe in the interview. Jada closes with these thoughts:

In closing, my suggestions to my peers, people of color, and my generation to try achieve what has been established by the African Americans and Abolitionists that paved the way for us to receive what’s rightfully yours. Blood, sweat, and tears have been shed for us to obtain any goals, which we may set for ourselves. Never being afraid to excel and achieve, because our ancestors have been bound for so, so, so, so, so long. We are free to learn, and my advice to my peers, people of color, and my generation- start making these white teachers accountable for instructing you. They chose this profession, they brag about their credentials; they brag about their tenure, so if you have so much experience, then find a more productive way to teach the so-called “unteachable”.
A grand price was paid in order for us to be where we are today; but in my mind we should be a lot further, so again I encourage the white teachers to instruct and I encourage my people to not just be a student, but become a learner.

If I remember correctly, it was Dr. Martin Luther King who believed that education was the pathway to empowerment for the black people. I believe it’s a pathway for ALL people, but I understand he had a specific focus group. I blame the educators whose fealty is to their bosses, union or otherwise, or to their puppetmasters, rather than to their students. They have created an ill-informed, or completely uninformed, populace from which certain political groups draw their power.
On my Wall of Wit and Wisdom, I have a two quotes:
“A nation under a well regulated government should permit none to remain uninstructed.
It is a monarchical and aristocratical government only that requires ignorance for its support.”
— Thomas Paine

“Dependence begets subservience and venality, suffocating the germ of virtue, and prepares fit tools for the designs of ambition. — Thomas Jefferson
Jada is understanding the first and well on her way to understanding the second. That makes her a danger to those who would prefer that she mute her intelligence.
You go, girl!