Tuesday Where Is The Wagonburner Now Open Comments

This is the kind of crap with which I am tasked with putting up these days:

Who knew a freakin’ snow globe represented an existential threat to our way of life? Fortunately, things got a bit cuter after I was irradiated, fondled, groped, folded, spindled, mutilated, and humiliated.

So why do I put up with this nonsense? To what possible exotic foreign land would I be traveling that would merit such treatment?
Aerial view en route:

Truckload of a local agricultural product (pineapples):

Shots of various neighborhoods on my way to the hotel:

A bit of bucolic countryside:

Finally, views from the swanky international hotel in which I am encamped:

And, by the way, what kind of hotel is it that has a mini-bar without Scotch in it???



