Wednesday Advanced Cars Open Comments

Are there any cars out there that you people think/have thought were the best of their decade? There are many candidates for worst, especially in the period 1950-2000 or so. These leapt to my mind for worst:
French. Cheap. Quarter-mile time measured in weeks. Deathtrap.

Automotive pinnacle reached in Germany (the one that doesn’t exist any more) in the 1980’s. Two-stroke motor. Smoke screen. Plastic body.

Good Soviet citizens used to be waitlisted for years for one of these Good Soviet cars. They also cost several years’ worth of the average Good Soviet citizen’s Good Soviet wages.

These things were actually imported into the US for a couple of years. I have no idea why anyone would have bought one (except for maybe Shannon). I also have no idea how they managed to pass the NHTSA tests.



